【Recommendation】Graduation★hakama hairstyle
It will be graduation season a little more ☆ In Kyoto it seems that there are more people wearing hakama even at the elementary or junior...

Famous Indonesia Youtuber & Instagramer came to Oike Bettei!!
Famous Indonesia Youtuber & Instagramer Felo Felicia came to Oike Bettei and dressed up in furisode!! She posted the experince in Oike...

Oike Bettei was appointed as a location for TV drama location !!
This time, the Yumeikan Oike Bettei became a location of TV Asahi Suspense Drama "THE WOMAN OF SCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEASON 17" in...

Oike Bettei Collection
Everyone thought the coordination of kimono is difficult, as kimono is not usual as our clothes. I think that there are also many people...

Famous Thailand Youtuber and Blogger "JellyJune" visited Oike Bettei!!
Famous Thailand youtuber and blogger "JellyJune" visited Yumeyakata Oike Bettei Shop. Although it was raining on that day, she still...

Kimono of different occasion
Konnijiwa🎵 Today, I would like to introduce you kimonos for different occasions.♪ 🌼Different kinds of kimonos "Kimono" is the national...

Yumeyakata was introduced inopular № 1 news site"Zing.vc" in Vietnam!
Yumeyakata Oike bettei was introduced in a travel topic of popular № 1 news site "Zing.vc" in Vietnam! From choosing a kimono at the Oike...

Kemari in Shimogamojinja
1/4 is a the kemari day in Shimogamo jinja。 the origin of Kemari could be tracked back to Period when Buddhism were preached to Japan....

Happy New Year!!
Thanks to Kyoto Kimono rental Yumeyakata Oike Bettei was able to have half a year since opening in July ☆ ★ Thank you so much to everyone...

''Happy New Year'' greeting by Oike Bettei staffs
\ HAPPY NEW YEAR / Oike Bettei shop have opened half a year However, we sincerely thank each and every guest for their inclusion and...